CPQ: Configure | Price | Quote


Reduce time-consuming operations and increase accuracy for the business process of Quotation preparation along with enhancing Customer-Project-Quotation relative connection for customers management. The essentials aim were to automate the most time-consuming part of work in the customer relation process.

Employees: 10+

Positions in product data base: 50K+

Vendor portfolio: 30+


The solution was developed for the heavy-duty technique distribution company. It consists of Customer and Project relations modules and a Quotation configurator. It allows configuring sophisticated commercial proposal using a tree-structured and plain support product database, along with quick and lucid income and expenses calculation for precise decision making. Together with a user-friendly interface and firm integrations, the app saves time and increase work accuracy and productivity.

key features & principles

Overall features

  • Customer and Project management;
  • Quotation and configuration module;
  • Integrated pdf printer and OneDrive file storage;
  • E-mail module;
  • Excel export data generation;

Overall principles

  • Strong customer related data;
  • Hight flexibility for configuration and pricing;
  • Protection against inappropriate changes;
  • Structuring and limitation of working flow;

Integrations list

  • OneDrive. Quotation print and save;
  • OutLook. Generation and sending emails in few clicks;
  • CloudConvert. Convert pdf to fit the REST API file size requirements;

Quotation module features

  • Product database divides into two separate tree structured: databases for main and for support products;
  • Product configurator within quotation builder includes price info, description info, options list, logistics data and total data;
  • Log, status and version control are available;
  • Quotation templates;
  • Calculation patterns based on customer type;
  • Printing templates with multi language approach;
  • Separate expenses calculation module;
  • Economic indicators for every quotation;
  • Printing and mail sending quotations within CPQ;
  • Storing links for printed pdf and sent emails;

user experience & used technologies

User experience

  • Dedicated pages and tabs with embedded views
  • Info boxes;
  • View minimize and maximize buttons;
  • Search bars;
  • Direct links to every quotation;
  • Tabs are divided into a blocks which could hidden;
  • Print/export/creation buttons;

Used technologies

  • Ninox database platform;
  • Ninox scripting language;
  • Excel Power Query and M for data preparation;
  • JSON, REST API and Integromat for integration
  • HTML for email services integration;

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